In this experiment, I want you to do exactly as I do. Choose one of these
packs. Now I shuffle my pack, and you shuffle yours. Do you believe that one
person can control another's actions. You do? I made you say that.
Let's switch packs. I cut my pack, you cut yours. I look at my card, you look at
yours. I put my card back, you put your card back. I complete my cut, you
complete yours.
Now let's trade packs again. I look through my deck and remove my card.
You look through your deck and remove your card. Put the rest of the cards
Now even though it felt as if every action was a free choice, this should
prove otherwise.
Have the spectator select a deck and shuffle it. You shuffle the remaining
deck, but as you complete the shuffle you must glimpse or peek at the
bottom card of your pack. This becomes your key card. Exchange decks
with the spectator.
Have the spectator duplicate your actions as you cut and look at the card
cut to. It doesn't matter what card you cut to. In fact, you're going to ignore
it; just remember the key card in the spectator's pack. When your
spectator replaces her card and completes the cut, that places the key
card on top of her selection.
Exchange packs again and request the spectator to look through the cards
and remove her card. Spread your cards in front of you. Click on Building
Blocks in Rising Card for details. Look for the key card. The spectator's
card will be under it or to the right in the spread.
Remove the card and reveal it as in the performance.
This performance can be done seriously or tongue-in-cheek. Most magicians prefer the lighthearted approach.
The peek is done easily as you pick up the cards and square them in a turning action.
Watch the spectator carefully to ensure that he or she is following your directions exactly. One wrong move and there will be no finish.
Continuously sell the duplication of actions during the performance.
Make sure that you emphasize the spectatorÕs control of his or her actions. At the finish make sure that everything is cleared aside so that all attention is on the two cards.